Wednesday, January 27, 2010

way too long!

It has been MONTHS since I've blogged...I know, I know...terrible! I'm going to try to get better though. Since I've written last there have been a few things that have been going on. The kids and I had a nice and cozy Thanksgiving with just the three of us. The middle of December we had an amazing homecoming with Shawn. That was one of the best gifts ever given! With him home we had a great Christmas. And for the first time EVER we actually spent a Christmas in our own house with no company. It was amazing to witness our kids run into the livingroom so excited and experience Christmas. I hope for many more of those kinds of memories. Now with January almost done, we're waiting to hear what Shawn's job will be and when the next deployment will happen....we are expecting that to happen the end of summer. So until my next blog, and who knows how long that will be, here are just a few of my favorite pics from the last few months!


Sue said...

Well, considering what you've had going on in your life - and Shawn's WONDERFUL homecoming, I think we can understand why it's been awhile.
Hoping that the time goes slowly for you and Shawn and the kids so that you can enjoy being together for many many days to come.
Blessings to you and Shawn and the dynamic duo.

The Gilmores said...

Yay! You're back! The video was awesome! I suck at that part - I bet we've only gotten the video camera out 3 times since Alena's been older than 1 1/2! Glad you guys had such an awesome gift!