Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Shawn had to leave for some training down in Florida...so we decided to crash his trip! Thought even though he was busy with training that the kids and I could get some good beach time in....even though it was cool and windy! We got good sand time in and had fun exploring. We're hoping to make another beach trip in a couple of months when it warms up! Can't wait!


The Gilmores said...

That's great that you guys got to go on that trip together. The shot of Tregan by the tree is GREAT. Taylor is getting so big!! MISS YOU GUYS!

The Teacup Cottage said...

Funny, because you crashed a trip to FL and Jamie and I are crashing a trip to NC. See you guys soon ... we will avaoid all coversation on how far apart both of us have been posting on the blogs!

Sue said...

Such great pictures!!
The "dynamic duo" as you call them - they are getting so big, and are such cuties. Hmmm, do I see mischief in those eyes?